Suicidal tendencies

Editorial Board

Counseling professionals often say suicide is a long-term solution to a short-term problem.

Unfortunately, the Grinnell College student who committed suicide Monday did not realize that in time.

In an article in The Des Moines Register Tuesday, a senior at Grinnell said the suicide victim “kept a lot to himself.”

After a suicide, people always seem to offer statements such as “he kept to himself” or “she seemed normal,” but most don’t recall a time when they really talked to the victim.

In light of the recent tragedy, maybe we should think about getting to know those students who live on our residence halls floors who always sit alone at meals.

Maybe we should really look at the people we come into contact with every day but never really talk to because there are always warning signs.

According to a pamphlet from the University of Illinois, 70 percent of suicide victims give some clue as to their intentions before they take their lives.

The clues may come in the form of statements such as “I feel like killing myself,” hints about detailed suicide plans or simply feelings of depression and hopelessness.

For anyone who might be considering suicide, know that there are resources you can turn to. For example, Student Counseling Services offers free counseling right here on campus.

Martha Norton, program coordinator at Student Counseling Services, said students who call the center’s after hours number are referred to the Richmond Center, 600 5th St.

The phone number for the community mental health facility is 232-5811, and the line is answered 24 hours a day.

Norton said it is very common to think about suicide, and most attempts are made by intelligent, temporarily confused individuals.

She encouraged people to not be afraid to speak directly with anyone they think might be considering suicide, and to not be afraid to break their confidence if necessary.

People always say they didn’t think something like a suicide could happen to someone they knew, but there were two instances of suicide at Iowa State at the beginning of last year, so we know it can happen here.

We need to make sure we are doing everything in our power to prevent another such tragedy.