Life, liberty and the pursuit of orgasm

Brad Vander Waal

Hello to all of you who call yourselves atheists and are wondering what this is about.

I can’t help but think how good it must feel to have no real responsibility or purpose.

I mean, think about it, you have no one to answer to. Nobody tells you what you should do or what you need to listen to.

Overall, nobody can tell you that you are wrong. All you have to worry about is surviving. You are never immoral because you are the judge of it all.

But wait, some people are wrong, aren’t they?

Charles Manson was wrong, wasn’t he? There are other things that are wrong like stealing, cheating, lying, rape, incest and child molesting.

We as people should do the right thing! Everyone should accept everyone else!

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of orgasm! Greg Jerrett thinks he’s right, or there would be no point to his opinion.

Well, hopefully I’ve got you wondering what I’m talking about.

The point is, how do we know what is good and what is evil?

I recently heard in a philosophy class that they thought a man standing outside a burning house while a baby dies inside that he could have easily saved is evil. But the question is, why is that evil?

We obviously all know that if there is no God then there is no absolute truth.

We also know that what is culturally accepted as all right has changed over the years. All you have to do is look at the slavery issue.

Why is a baby dying evil? It’s just a collection of matter that has evolved over millions of years.

The baby is definitely no better than the family dog, and who is to say that the baby is better than the tree cut down to make the house?

So you see evil doesn’t really exist for the atheist, but yet many have said how immoral and wrong the Christians are.

This is where the hypocrisy comes in. For Greg Jerrett, or anyone else, to say Christians are evil or immoral, they have to believe there is a good and a evil.

Well, Greg, the only way there can be a true good and evil is if there is a God, and folks, there is proof of that good and evil inside every one of us.

At this time, I won’t get into why Christianity holds the truth, but as you can see, we all agree there is something out there to be searching for.

I want to thank you for your time and thank Craig Petersen for his article; it was well put.

Oh yeah, one more thing: don’t swear in the Daily. You can e-mail me at [email protected]. God bless.

Brad Vander Waal


Religious studies and management