Love thy neighbor

Matt Schuler

Now that Matthew Shepard is dead, all of those who hate gays should be a little happier. I wonder how many who read this thought, ‘He was gay. He deserved it?’ That thought alone should bother most people.

The even bigger tragedy is that this death should never have happened in the first place.

The perpetuating of the false idea that gays are evil sinners and can change if they really want to is the real problem.

People like the Bible thumper who speaks in front of the Hub are partly to blame. These people tell others who don’t know any better that gays are bad based on whatever beliefs they might have without ever getting to know the facts.

Students who hear this speech and do not have any experience in dealing with the real world can sometimes take the message, enhance the negative tone with which it is presented, and come to the conclusion that it’s OK to trick, rob, beat, set fire to and ultimately kill someone who is gay.

These speakers do not talk of “love” as some have mentioned in past letters and quick Es. They will try to teach that hating those not exactly like you will make them go away.

What’s wrong with these people? Don’t they understand someone was killed for being who they are? A life was taken for no reason.

How many have to die before this stops? What if the next person is your brother or sister or best friend?

You say it can’t happen to someone you know because they aren’t gay?

Did it ever occur to you that they might not tell you because they know you might have a negative reaction? Why would they tell you if they know you’d take it poorly?

Everyone needs to think about what happened in Laramie and do all they can to prevent it from ever happening again.

Because if we don’t, one day someone we love could be gone forever.

Matt Schuler

