Quick Es

Daily Staff Writer

Quick E of the Day

“ISU students are like parking spaces; a lot of them think they’re funny, but they’re not.”



“It’s definitely women at ISU who are like parking spaces. They are either

taken, handicapped or reserved for the football team.”



“The Daily’s opinion page is a lot like ‘The Jerry Springer Show,’ but with less nudity.”


Computer engineering

“After 4 years of intense studying, I’ve come to the conclusion that women belong in the kitchen.”


Women’s studies

“What’s the difference between the guys who’ve been sending in the ‘parking spot’ Quick Es and government bonds? Government bonds mature.”


Mechanical engineering

“The guy/girl parking space analogies have run way past their time on the meter, so could DPS please ticket THEM!”


Civil engineering

“To the freshman in computer engineering: Obviously you are more like a car

who has been parked in many spaces.”


Environmental science

“Give me a break — the only reason why Chad Calek, Eric Evans and those lonely guys who write the Quick Es put women down is because no woman in her right mind would ever date them.”


Apparel merchandising,

production and design

E-mail one-sentence Quick Es to [email protected]. edu with “Quick E” as the subject. Include year in school and major. All Quick Es will be anonymous.