Once upon a Tuesday dreary …

Robinson Yost

The rude and inconsiderate behavior accorded Ward Connerly on Tuesday night was, to say the least, appalling.

At several points during the question and answer session, I could not even hear Mr. Connerly due to sneering and scoffing by a vocal group in the audience. This display was saddening.

Many may not agree with Mr. Connerly (in fact, I do not agree with him on many points), but as a guest speaker he deserves common courtesy at the very least.

Apparently, this was something certain members of the crowd could not give him. Those who simply could not bear to listen should not have come in the first place.

I have attended the talks of many, many speakers with whom I did not agree. However, never did I shout out things like “Talk over him, man!” or “You are tripping!” or “Whatever!” or “People like you!” or “He’s a racist!”

At the grand finale of this disgusting display, a question was asked (or rather an insinuation) of Mr. Connerly’s family background. His attempt to answer was met with more derision, even as he explained that his father left him when he was four years old!

Scoffing, laughing, sneering and shouting are not convincing forms of argument.

To think that college students (or worse, college graduates) would act like this is truly an embarrassment to Iowa State.

Robinson Yost

