License to recycle

Susan Mcdonald

The name’s Bond, but the number isn’t 007 — it’s more like 81,555,000.

This isn’t about a fictional super spy in the movies — it’s about white bond paper, which gets used all over campus every day.

Last year, Iowa State used 81.5 million sheets of white paper. According to Central Stores, that translates into:

  • 6,795,000 sheets per month
  • 313,673 sheets per day
  • 39,203 sheets per hour
  • 654 per minute
  • 11 sheets per second

Central Stores records indicate that ISU required 18.5 truckloads of bond paper last year, which is up from 17.8 truckloads four years ago. Most of the paper sold is virgin bond, but the numbers also include recycled papers.

Harold Johnson, assistant manager of Central Stores, said a ream of virgin paper sells for $2.38, while a ream of recycled paper is $2.44.

Last year, Central Stores sold 90,000 reams of virgin white paper, compared to 68,000 reams of recycled paper.

“Departments purchase more of the virgin paper because it’s cheaper,” Johnson said.

Johnson also said ISU Printing Services purchases the most white bond paper from Central Stores. Betty Nettcott, clerk at ISU Printing Services, said estimated annual usage for 8 1/2 x 11 white bond is 67,000 reams. It is used in the copy and convenience walk-up centers.

“The state requires us to use 75 percent recycled at this time,” Nettcott said. By Jan. 1, 2000, the requirement will be 90 percent, she said.

Johnson said Central Stores also will have to follow these guidelines.

Gloria Erickson, program assistant for Facilities Planning and Management, said ISU recycled 155.6 tons of white paper last year. The average was 13.8 tons per month.

Erickson said ISU has been recycling for the past four years.

“We’ve recycled 639 tons since the end of August 1994,” Erickson said.