Quick Es

Daily Staff Writer

Quick E of the Day

“To the cute couple sitting in back of Communication Studies 101: Get a room!”


Journalism and mass communication

“Women are like parking spaces: The best ones cost money.”


Computer engineering

“To the senior in journalism and mass communication: The girls at Iowa State are more like 30-minute loading zones.”


Construction engineering

“Women are like parking spaces: They are either taken, handicapped, or two are taken by one user.”


Management information systems

“Men at ISU are like toilets: They’re either occupied or full of crap.”


Early childhood education

“To the Freshman in Computer Engineering: Parking spaces are not made for wide loads.”


Computer Science

“I’m not taken, handicapped or too small — just shy.”


Construction Engineering

“Noting reactions from the ‘parking spot’ Quick E the other day, some of you women need to get a sense of humor.”


Electrical engineering

“Even attractively challenged and weight-abundant females can have attitude

on this campus.”


Management information systems

E-mail one-sentence Quick Es to [email protected]. edu with “Quick E” as the subject. Include year in school and major. All Quick Es will be anonymous.