
Marsha Harmon

I have been reading all of the letters regarding the death of Matthew Shepard, but especially the letters who blame Christians for spreading and even encouraging not only the violence, but the hate of homosexuals.

As a born-again Christian, I have not talked to any Christians who believe that what was done to Matt Shepard was anything less than horrendous. No human being should be treated as Mr. Shepard was and those two men should be punished to the full extent of the law.

I do not believe in violence against people because they do not believe as I do or fit my ideas of what a human being should be.

God gives us free will to accept Him or reject Him. We as Christians, should not do what God does not do — force people to accept Him.

I will tell people of my faith, my belief and how the Lord has changed me through His grace.

My Lord commands me to do this, but He also commands me to walk away, “shake the dust from my sandals,” and move on if someone is not willing to hear His message.

I know there are people who confess they are Christians who feel differently than I, just as there are people of every religion, ethnic group, club, social structure or whatever who differ in their opinions and views.

I can just speak for myself and for those Christians I know. We do not condone what was done to Mr. Shepard.

Marsha Harmon


Exercise and sport science