Special beatings – special protection

Ryan Bergman

Several people have written in suggesting that hate crime legislation would somehow result in “special” protection for gays and lesbians. I would say that as long as gays and lesbians are being singled out for “special” beatings by bigots, then this is not the case. The idea that hate crime laws would result in “thought police” is asinine. Motive is one of the deciding factors in what kind of crime you are charged with.

Which crime would be more serious:

1)Two guys, drunk at a bar in Campustown, get into a fight over a girl. One beats up the other and is arrested for assault. 2) A drunk man at a bar decides he doesn’t like blacks hanging out in his bar and assaults a black man who was minding his own business.

Both victims are equally hurt, but are these crimes equal? Is it assault no matter what the circumstances? I would say no.

As a straight, white male I can go into any mainstream corner bar in this country, mind my own business, and nothing will happen to me.

If I were black, gay or an orthodox Jew, I run the risk of getting assaulted because of who I am and not because of my actions! This is unacceptable.

Hate crime laws protect all people against indiscriminate assault based on race, sex, sexual orientation, religion or disability. As long as these crimes exist, then the law is needed.

Ryan Bergman

