Computer labs not hard to find on Web site

Misty Means

Iowa State students looking for computer labs where they can finish papers and projects at the last minute may want to look on the ISU Web site.

Mike Bowman, administrative services assistant director for the Computation Center, said the Computation Advisory Committee (CVC) keeps a database of information about the computer labs on the ISU Web site under the link “computation.”

“The CVC has information on the Internet about the labs, where they are all located, the hours they are open and what each lab has to offer in hardware and software,” Bowman said.

The largest labs on campus are in the Durham Center and in Lagomarcino Hall, according to reports by the committee. Each building has six labs with more than 80 computers.

“I believe there are over 125 labs located on the ISU campus which vary in the number of computers each lab has,” Bowman said.

Some of the labs are open 24 hours, including labs in the Durham Center and in the residence halls.

Most of the lab hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, but in the Design Building the hours are unusual.

The Design Building labs are open from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m., Monday through Thursday, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and 12 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Sunday.

Bowman said most of the computer labs on campus offer access to online services.

“A high percentage, if not all, of the campus labs have e-mail and the Internet on computers available to the students,” Bowman said.

Stacy Hightshoe, senior in political science, said she uses the Durham Center labs for most of her computer needs.

“I usually go to Durham when I need to use the Internet and e-mail,” she said.

However, some students use the labs on campus for other reasons.

Stacy Smith, senior in elementary education, said she uses the Lagomarcino Hall labs to type papers and scan images for her classes.

“Lagomarcino has many options on the computers in the labs, including scanners, laser printers, and Word and Excel,” Smith said. “Also, there is always someone there to help you if you run into trouble on a computer.”

Bowman said most labs offer the same features, and the CVC lists each feature separately on its Web site for all of the labs on campus.