The wrongs our country is based on

Philip Miller

I think it is time to clarify a few things about this whole Clinton thing.

Clinton’s approval rating has absolutely no effect on what is going on with the impeachment inquiry, and it shouldn’t.

The majority of the people in this country, including myself, do believe that Clinton has and is doing a great job as president.

The thing people don’t realize is that Clinton’s job performance has nothing to do with the impeachment inquiry.

For example: A priest is traveling down the road at 70 miles an hour and gets pulled over for speeding. He goes to court and tells the judge it is OK for him to speed because he helps poor people and visits the sick and donates to save the children.

The judge will commend the priest on all of his good actions and then tell him no matter how good you are, it is not OK to speed, and the fine for speeding is $200 payable in 90 days.

Just as the priest broke a law and had to pay for it, so does Clinton.

The biggest problem is that many think he is going to be impeached for playing ‘hide the cigar’ with Monica.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is the impeachment inquiry is about perjury and obstruction of justice, two of the basic wrongs this country is based on.

I believe that the president should not be allowed to pull at the basic threads of our country and get away with it. People go to jail for long periods of time for perjury.

I think that if Clinton did perjure himself, then getting off with impeachment isn’t even close to enough punishment.

If you truly believe that Clinton should get away with perjury, then remember to teach your children you should never lie except if you are powerful. Then lie as much as you want because no one will be able to touch you. As long as no one can touch you, then it’s OK!!!

Philip Miller


Agricultural education