
Jennifer Schumi

In the past, I have been consistently amused and only mildly offended by the writings of Mr. Calek. In Tuesday’s column, however, Mr. Calek manages to defend the practice of spousal abuse (a remarkably un-funny accomplishment) while at the same time directly contradicting words written just one week prior. As a faithful reader of his column, I am confused by the following sections. From “Why musicians are the greatest lovers on Earth:” “An example would be how I cheat on my fiance nonstop. All I do is cheat, drink, crap and cheat some more. But it has nothing to do with my love for her. I’ll always love her … I’ll give up a few moral values for reward but will always remain bonded to the true cause.”

And from Mr. Calek’s October 27th column: “I bet [Pamela Lee] was cheating or something. I mean, what guy out there wouldn’t go a little crazy if Pamela Anderson cheated on him? I say Tommy had the right to hit her. You just don’t cheat on the one you love. That’s my motto.”

Did Mr. Calek have a dramatic change in his self-proclaimed moral values over the past week, or does his fiance now have the right to “beat the piss” out of him too?

Jennifer Schumi

Graduate student
