On the fast-track

Herman C. Quirmbach & Leigh S. Tesfatsion

We would like to express our support for Congressman Leonard Boswell for his recent vote in favor of “fast-tack” negotiating authority on trade agreements.

We understand that the economic future of Iowa is increasingly dependent on the developing new export markets. Given the depressed state of farm prices, Boswell’s vote is especially helpful to the ag sector. In manufacturing, opening new opportunities around the globe is critical to preserving jobs at home. Iowa’s well-educated workers can compete with anyone if we can negotiate a level playing field. That is the administration’s goal in seeking fast-track authority, and that is why we are so pleased with Congressman Boswell’s vote.

A part of leveling that playing field is not allowing foreign competition to exploit child labor. Conditions for kids in developing countries are not what they are in America, but we should work to raise their standards, not lower ours. As vital as trade is to Iowa’s economic future, which of us wants to build Iowa’s prosperity on the back of children exploited in third-world sweatshops?

Congressman Boswell understands this and was opposed to the language of an earlier fast-track bill because it lacked sufficient emphasis on protecting kids. He fought for a better bill, and that’s what he got.

Herman C. Quirmbach

Associate professor


Leigh S. Tesfatsion

