Free Coffee Fridays offer education

Tara Wood

Free Coffee Friday offers free refreshments, company and a place to stay warm for Iowa State students looking for something to do on Friday afternoons.

Free Coffee Friday is held every Friday in the Food Court’s Pine Room of the Memorial Union from 3 to 5 p.m.

Offered through the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS), Free Coffee Friday started at ISU last year.

Billy Wong, OISS international peer assistant and senior in computer engineering, said the purpose of Free Coffee Friday is to gather people together in a positive environment.

“The fun thing [about Free Coffee Friday is] to know people there from different countries and cultural backgrounds,” he said.

Free Coffee Friday was well-attended last year, Wong said. On the first Friday before finals, OISS held a barbecue to kick off the program that attracted more than 100 people, he said.

Aref Alfarra, graduate student in economics, said he had attended Free Coffee Friday regularly after going for the first time in March.

“It’s something I looked forward to,” Alfarra said.

Free Coffee Friday provides an atmosphere of education and support, Wong said. He said people can ask questions about other countries, share their experiences at ISU and encourage each other.

“It’s a very warm environment,” he said.

Alfarra agreed that Free Coffee Friday is a positive event.

“[Free Coffee Friday] is a nice venue for people to meet and get to know each other,” Alfarra said. “Ames is a little bit lacking in places to get together and meet.”

OISS is trying to diversify attendance by reaching out to more Americans and everyone in Ames, Wong said.

“If you’re interested in other cultures, come meet people,” Wong said.