Vote for Vilsack

Bernard C. Gerstein

Students are rightfully concerned about increases in tuition discussed by the Board of Regents. Having taught at ISU for 30 years, I too have a passing interest in the ability of Iowans to afford higher education.

Do today’s students understand that the major cost of their education is paid by taxes? And every tax decrease is invariably tied to a tuition increase? And changes in taxes are invariably driven by who occupies the Iowa Governor’s chair?

The candidates are former State Senator Tom Vilsack and former Representative Jim Ross Lightfoot. Let us forget for a moment that as a representative in Washington for 12 years, Lightfoot voted against the Clean Air Act.

He voted against the Clean Water Act. He voted against the Americans with Disabilities Act. He voted against the Family and Medical Leave Act. He was the lead sponsor in the Gingrich-led effort to eliminate the minimum wage. He voted to repeal the ban on assault weapons. He voted to continue smoking on airliners, stating that “tobacco is like chicken soup, too much can hurt you.” Why not? He received $22,000 from the tobacco industry. He bounced 105 checks, then voted to keep that “bouncing” record secret. Couldn’t, so blamed the bankers, then blamed his handwriting, then blamed coffee stains and children’s fingerprints and finally blamed “bad codes.” He is sleazy dishonesty personified.

Forget all the above. That doesn’t concern his record on education. But Jim Ross Lightfoot also voted to cut federal funding for education from Headstart to college loans. He dismisses smaller class sizes as a gimmick, even though repeated studies have shown that fewer students per teacher ratios results in more effective learning. He touts the importance of reading and voted to cut funding for remedial reading programs. He voted to cut the Safe and Drug Free School Program by more than half.

Now Jim Ross Lightfoot’s major campaign issue is reducing taxes on Iowa’s rich! Those making $75,000 to $190,000 per year. Any of your parents qualify?

Want dirty air, dirty water, dishonesty, increased tuition, $2 per hour when you work to help fund your education? Lightfoot’s your man!

Tom Vilsack, on the other hand, has received the near-unanimous support of the Iowa State Education Association on the basis of his extensive work as a Democratic leader in the State Senate. Vilsack proposes spending a portion of the state’s surplus to reduce class sizes in early years and is committed to making every Iowa school drug free.

Bernard C. Gerstein

Faculty, retired
