What boys think

Jeni Nosbisch

I would like to comment on two recent columns.

First, I agree in part with Mr. Jerrett’s column that stated that men are responsible for rape. I wouldn’t call it a disease, but it is not women who cause rapes to occur.

If someone left her door unlocked, told all her friends and acquaintances that she was going to a party at a certain time and left a billfold full of cash on top of her desk, which she found missing when she returned home, would she “deserve” to be robbed?

Did she “ask” to be robbed? If the thief were caught and tried, wouldn’t he be found just as guilty for entering her room and taking her money, though it took so little effort on his part?

Second, Mr. Calek states about three-quarters of the way through his column that it is male nature to mate, and that women who make it possible are whores.

I believe that women simply use their intelligence more often to conquer animal instincts. There are both women and men who go out only to get laid. I refuse to believe that men, who provided the impetus for the Renaissance, are not just as intelligent as women — or that they are less capable of controlling their natures. For anyone to suggest otherwise is to insult half of humankind.

Jeni Nosbisch

