Hidden treasure

Ben Harding

In response to your article titled “Ames Hidden Treasures: Blues” on Thursday, Sept. 17, I would have to say a rather bold mistake has been made.

It is stated in a caption and also within the article that the blues band Big E & The Killer Bees is Ames only blues band.

I am afraid that this is just not true and is actually a large claim to make anywhere. It surprised me to read this because I am a drummer for — and have heard — many other blues bands from Ames, in Ames. No offense against The Killer Bees, but it says in the article that they have yet to play an actual gig in Ames.

I find it a little rude to say that you’re the only blues band in Ames when you have yet to play here.

The real problem with this claim is that it is just nonsense to make.

If this blues band is a real “hidden treasure,” like the article claims, think of the other hidden treasures that have yet to be heard. I’m willing to bet that there are more than 20 blues bands in Ames. They may not be playing in bars or clubs, but the fact is that they are there, practicing in basements and garages everywhere.

I might be playing in a naked, jello-covered washboard band, but I’m not willing to say that I’m the only one. You never can tell what might be out there.

As a member of “The Lost and Found Blues Band,” I almost feel a little shunned. Our band has played at People’s, Lumpy’s, The Long Shot and The Lost and Found Lounge.

We have been in existence for almost a year, and a student’s video project about our band is even shown on the Iowa State television channel.

And to finish this paragraph of advertising, I’m going to say that our band, along with a bluegrass band from Ames, “The Muleskinners,” will be playing a show at The Lost and Found Lounge Saturday, Sept. 26.

I may be a little tired and drugged-up on cold medication, but I couldn’t help but be a tad angered by the statement in this article.

I think the writer, the band or whoever should just be a little careful when making such claims.

Ben Harding


Liberal studies