Help is around the corner

Heidi Petersen

In “Fitness Facts: An apple a day may not keep the doctor away,” printed on Wed., Sept. 9, it was stated that the ISU Wellness Center is located in Beyer Hall.

The ISU Student Wellness Center is now located on the second floor of the Student Health Center.

The Wellness Center offers counseling in the areas of fitness, nutrition and mental wellness. Two exercise physiologists are on staff to measure body composition, cardiovascular fitness, upper body and abdominal strength and endurance.

They also advise clients on safe and effective ways to begin or modify an exercise regimen. A registered dietitian is on staff to counsel on subjects such as supplements, snacking, weight loss, cholesterol reduction, eating disorders and many others.

A mental wellness counselor works with clients on a variety of subjects, including stress management and relationships. Students are seen by appointments, which usually last about 45 minutes.

As stated in the article on Sept. 9, the services at the ISU Student Wellness Center are available FREE to all registered ISU students. Call 294-1868 to set up an appointment!

Heidi Petersen

Graduate student
