Students weave their Webs with Project Vincent

Emily Graham

Every student at Iowa State who registers for a Project Vincent account gets 10 megabytes of storage space.

What many students do not realize is that this space can be used for more than e-mail accounts.

“Students have a choice to use this space in any way they want. It can be used strictly for e-mail or to create a Web page,” said Frank Poduska, consulting and publications manager for the Computation Center.

Currently 7,786 Web pages are registered through Project Vincent free of charge, Poduska said.

Mark Holmgren, sophomore in computer science, is one of those students who has his own homepage.

Holmgren said he put his page up last year simply because he “didn’t have one.”

“I just wanted to try it once and see what it was like,” Holmgren said. “It is a great learning opportunity and was very easy to use.”

Claire Daly, senior in biology, also has a homepage through Project Vincent. She said creating the page was easy and fun once she “knew what was going on.”

“I had to do one for my English 105 class and just decided to keep it up,” Daly said.

Daly said she also was in charge of creating the homepage for her sorority, Pi Beta Phi, 208 Ash Ave.

Although Web pages have been available since Project Vincent started in 1991, Poduska said he has seen a continual increase in the number of people taking advantage of the opportunity.

Poduska said the instructions for starting a Web page are on the ISU homepage. There is even an automated setup that students can use that turns it into a one command procedure, he said.

“This provides a place for everyone at the university to put up a page in a common place,” Poduska said.

He recommends that all students at least try creating a Web page.

“It is a university of science and technology, and people should be taking advantage of it,” Poduska said.

Questions about creating a homepage can be directed to the Solutions Center at 296-6000.