
Daily Staff Writer

  • In “ISU’s first fraternity closes,” published Aug. 20, the Daily reported that there are currently only two alcohol-free fraternities. Actually, there are five alcohol-free fraternities: FarmHouse, Theta Zi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
  • In “DPS reports three sexual assaults committed in 1997,” published Aug. 28, it was reported that Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support (ACCESS) received 46 calls from ISU students regarding sexual assaults. ACCESS actually received 68 calls last year.
  • In the article, “Cosby kicks off George Washington Carver celebration,” published Aug. 31, it was reported that Dean of the College of Education Camilla Benbow presented Bill Cosby with a college of education sweatshirt. Actually, the presenter was Carlie Tartakov, professor of curriculum and instruction.

Also, it was incorrectly reported that Bill Cosby graduated from Amherst College. Cosby actually graduated from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

The Iowa State Daily strives for accuracy and regrets error. Please report any errors of fact to 294-4120.