‘Star Trek’ physics explored

Jonathan Olson

“Today’s science fiction is tomorrow’s science fact,” states Stephen Hawking in the forward to “The Physics of Star Trek,” a book by Lawrence M. Krauss.

This phrase has proven true on many occasions, and Krauss explains how it applies in the world of “Star Trek.” Krauss takes a voyage through the “Star Trek” universe while using physics to explain the workings of many exotic phenomena, such as how the warp drive operates, where wormholes go and problems with matter transporters.

A physics professor at Case Western University and a well-respected authority in theoretical physics, Krauss writes a compelling and sound book. He calls on experts and nobel laureates from Harvard, NASA and the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, as well as Hawking, one of the most celebrated theoretical physicists of all time, to lend credibility to his work.

“Star Trek” first aired in 1966, and to many, it seemed to exemplify the ideal future of mankind. The show is set in the far future with seemingly impossible technology. In the book, Krauss states that he believes the “Star Trek” future is quite far away. However, he points out many examples where the science of today seems to have borrowed from the show and how “Star Trek” is deeply rooted in today’s theoretical physics.

“The Physics of Star Trek” is a tour de force through cutting edge theoretical physics. An in-depth discussion of Einstein’s general theory of relativity is put forth, explaining how it relates to interstellar space travel and the paradoxes of time travel.

Krauss tackles quantum physics and uses it to explain the meaning of “Star Trek” phrases such as elevated neutrino levels, quantum fluctuations and matter-antimatter drives. The exotic fringes of physics also are explored as the theoretical workings of wormholes, blackholes and faster-than-light travel are explained.

Krauss bases much of his book on specific examples from episodes. Avid trekkies will most likely recognize several of their favorites.

The writers of “Star Trek” often encounter constraints of physics that no realistic solution will solve. In these cases no law of science can match creativity.

Krauss writes, “…[Star Trek writers] introduced ‘Heisenberg compensators,’ which allow ‘quantum resolution’ of objects. When an interviewer asked the Star Trek technical consultant Michael Okuda how the Heisenberg compensators worked, he merely replied, ‘Very well, thank you!'”

Krauss does not focus exclusively on the successes of the TV series, but he also points out its flaws. In the end, he compiles a list of the greatest blunders in “Star Trek” history.

“The Physics of Star Trek” is a book that will enthrall the weekly viewers, while providing a sound introduction to modern theoretical physics.