GSB, off-campus clarification

Richard Muler

In the article, “GSB passes bylaws,” it appears that actions I made on the senate floor were misinterpreted.

The amendment that I had proposed would add the existing off-campus council as the constituency council for the off-campus students to the list in bylaws section 5.7.1.

Many of the off-campus senators, along with myself, were upset that OCC was not originally included on the list and that OCC gets little to no respect or recognition.

My amendment did pass, 17-13.

In response to Senator Blackburn’s remarks, I would like to invite all interested off-campus students to attend the OCC meetings.

We are looking to fill positions and find students interested in helping with activities.

Please contact me or one of the other off-campus senators to find out when the meetings take place.

Richard Muler

GSB Off-campus senator


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