Protect our traditions from homophobes

Ryan Bergman

The reason ISU prosecutes students for using the Cy logo and not Fred Phelps is simple.

If ISU students start going around making their own Cy signs, bumper stickers and T-shirts, then they are not buying the ones licensed by the university.

Fred Phelps is (presumably) not making any money from his use of the logo, so the administration doesn’t care.

This is just another example of how Jischke has continued to pimp this university like a two-dollar whore, and something needs to be done about it.

I am disgusted with the way this administration has continued to ignore and abuse the students, traditions and history of ISU just to increase funding while tuition still goes up.

ISU is one of the nation’s best public universities, and I refuse to be bullied by some neo-nazi homophobe.

Someone needs to take Phelps down — and a multi-million dollar, decade-long lawsuit is just the way to do it.

We have the ability, and Jischke can raise the money by selling out the university bookstore to Borders!

Ryan Bergman
