Take that, Miss Thing

Della N. Johnson

As a non-traditional student, I am usually pretty tolerant of what appears in the Daily (especially the editorial columns); however, the article which appeared in Tuesday’s edition entitled “Don’t Support the Actions of Whores” is the last straw.

Who is this child? I refuse to acknowledge him as an adult. He’s a flashback to Neanderthal man. I thought those kinds of remarks went out with the ’60s, but I can see some are still lying around gathering stink and fungus.

It’s men with these kinds of ideas about women who keep feminists and non-feminists in business. Oh, it’s OK for men to act the way they do, but women have to be the ones to change.

You might as well have someone write a column calling African-Americans niggers or Latinos spics.

What can be more insulting for a woman than to have some caveman call her a slut or a whore?

I’m surprised that the new editor in chief of the Daily would allow this type of column to appear.

Miss Thing, don’t you feel offended? If not, you should.

This article has made me look at this paper in a totally new light — or maybe I should say shade.

Della N. Johnson

Graduate student

Inter-disciplinary graduate
