Bumpkin charm

Jeffery R. Payne

I usually try to avoid the Iowa State Daily with all of it’s smalltown, bumpkin charm.

Today I could find nothing else to read, so I was subjected to the enlightened opinions of your esteemed staff. Usually, I know what to expect: the sniveling and hoo rah rah-ing, but today even I was amazed at Amy Hillman’s article “Meat-eaters beware.”

I can truly say that I have lost intelligence just from exposing myself to such mindless drivel. Hillman does have some interesting writing techniques, though.

One of my personal favorites is how she quotes facts that she has come across, and then refutes them with innuendo and her clever witticisms. I think that it is really special that your family raises cows and pigs and whatever else. What I don’t admire is your lack of research on a very well-documented subject.

The World Health Organization estimates that if the world were to reduce their meat consumption by 10 percent, then food surpluses would nearly triple, and famine and widespread hunger would be nearly erased.

I hate vegetables. I thought I’d throw that in just in case you thought I was one of those “extremists” you referred to. I also hate poor reporting.

So while you congratulate yourself with “a big, fat juicy steak,” perhaps you can think about the next article you plan on writing; maybe this time you can do something other than waste paper.

I can only hope that this whole article was satire meant to teach us what bad reporting truly is.

Jeffery R. Payne


Biophysics and pre-medicine