More Calek critics

Jeni Nosbisch

I read Chad Calek’s latest article with some interest. I expected him to comment on the criticism directed toward his last article.

Although I believe he wrote the article with a much broader scope, I wish to comment on his latest column in light of his Lilith Fair column.

Mr. Calek, you complain about censorship. You were not censored. Had you been censored, the editor-in-chief would never have allowed your column to be printed.

It was printed, if not in its entirety, then at least sufficiently to make your point.

You have taken a lot of criticism for an unpopular view.

You should have expected this.

Perhaps you also wished praise for taking an unconventional point of view.

This I cannot give you. I do not particularly support Lilith Fair, as it does not play my kind of music, despite the variety touted by one of its supporters.

Neither do I condemn it.

Its intent to promote female performers is good, even if this means excluding male headliners, which is not as good.

I also found some of the imagery in your last column to be off-color, but it too makes your point sufficiently.

Jeni Nosbisch

