DPS treats students with disrespect

Zac J Barclay

On Friday, September 4th. I, as well as many other Towers residents, were anxiously awaiting the opportunity to purchase lot 61 parking permits.

When the last permit was sold, many people remained in line.

I patiently waited my turn to approach the desk.

I reminded myself that these people were just like me that should be treated with respect.

When I approached the desk to ask when more permits might be sold: “I dunno.”

When I asked who could help me:”my manager, but he isn’t here.”

Well, that greatly angered me.

I believe that DPS was well aware of the demand for lot 61 permits.

Unfortunately, DPS didn’t feel it was necessary to staff the required people to answer simple, direct questions that were obviously on the minds of many Towers residents.

This unprofessionalism would not be tolerated in any other field. Why is it allowed here?

Our tuition pays for their services, yet we do not have to be treated with respect.

I don’t ask for much. Only the professionalism that I deserve as one who pays tuition and as a human being.

Zac J Barclay


Animal Ecology