Pagans express outrage, dismay

Clark Ford

I object to the headline used for Kata Alvidrez’ piece from Tuesday, Sept. 29 on sex in presidential politics which was entitled “Self-serving, sex-obsessed, immoral pagans.”

As a pagan and faculty advisor to the Iowa State University Pagan Community, a new group on campus for pagans, I am dismayed at the insensitivity and careless innuendo of your headline.

Pagans are not self-serving, sex-obsessed or immoral any more than anyone else.

Yet your headline implies it and condemns us by association.

Perhaps you could see my point better if the headline (which would have been more accurate for the article) had read “Self-serving, sex-obsessed, hypocritical Christians.”

Of course, you would not print that because you would realize how offensive it would be to Christians.

Well, pagans do exist too, and you just insulted us.

An apology would be appreciated!

Clark Ford

Faculty Advisor

ISU Pagan Community