
Daily Staff Writer

Jischke announces improved learning communities

Learning communities will become better in the near future with money allocated by Iowa State President Martin Jischke.

Jischke announced Thursday during his fall convocation speech that he will allocate $1.5 million over the next three years to strengthen and expand learning communities at ISU.

Learning communities are groups to support new students in similar majors. Students participating in the communities take courses together, form study groups, work with faculty and staff mentors and often live on the same floors in residence halls.

Vice presidents ask for student recommendations

A consultant’s recommendation to combine the Department of Residence food services with the Memorial Union Food Court, may become Iowa State’s new food service program if university vice presidents Warren Madden and Thomas Hill receive enough positive feedback.

The merger of food services would allow residence hall students to use their meal plans at any campus location, including the restaurants in the Union.

Madden, vice president for business and finance, and Hill, vice president for student affairs, said they want to hear responses from the public on this proposal and any other ideas or comments on campus food service.

More information about the proposal is available on the ISU Web site at Feedback also can be delivered to the vice presidents on the Web site.

ISU Extension to hold conference on distance education

A conference exploring distance education at Iowa State will be held this month.

“The Role of the University in Providing Distance Education in the New Millennium” is sponsored by ISU Extension and will be held Sept. 17 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Memorial Union.

The registration deadline for the conference is Friday. For registration information, contact Vicki O’Neal with ISU Extended and Continuing Education at 294-6229, or e-mail O’Neal at [email protected].

Students can “brown bag it” with Jischke

Students, faculty and staff can share their lunch hour this Wednesday with Iowa State President Martin Jischke. Jischke will be dining in the Tech Transfer Theater of the Food Sciences Building at noon. Iced tea and coffee will be provided.