Starr’s report lists impossible grounds

Editorial Board

Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr released the sexually graphic testimony by Monica Lewinsky Friday in 445-page report accusing President Clinton of lying under oath about his affair and using the power of his office to cover it up.

Starr’s findings list 11 possible grounds for impeachment of Clinton.

Count them, if you’re brave enough to go on the Internet and read the 445-page report.

Starr’s report, nor its findings, should have made it to the printing press.

For seven months, the American public has been bombarded by an issue involving the president of the United States that is of no concern to how he runs the country.

What revelations did Starr’s report make that were strong enough to impeach Clinton?

So he lied about having an affair.

He denied a personal event in his life that should never have been of interest to the public.

Starr has yet to provide the public with substantial grounds to impeach Clinton.

This is not comparable to the Richard Nixon/Watergate era.

Clinton didn’t hire people to have sex with Lewinsky, like Nixon hired people to burglarize the Watergate Hotel.

Starr, where are the horrific findings that paint Clinton as a criminal?

There are more people in the country who commit worse crimes than Clinton.

You should devote your time to something most Americans are concerned with, such as people who molest children and commit murder.

Our tax dollars were wasted so you could tell us what we knew all along — that presidents have affairs and then deny them when asked.

Not only did you waste tax dollars, but you also killed trees by making numerous copies of a 445-page report that only a few people will read.

You’ve also logged up Internet sites for people who use them for important business.

Clinton should submit his own report of findings about the lack of credibility your report truly holds.