Iowa State’s KURE aims to improve listenership

Erin Pierson

As a new fall semester begins, Iowa State’s student-run radio station KURE is kicking off another year of programming with the fall schedule beginning today.

According to Matt Baker, general manager of the station, KURE has one goal this year and that is to entertain the listeners and to have fun doing it.

Found on the FM dial at frequency 88.5, KURE is the only college station made up entirely of student volunteers who work for free. Even the board members donate their time to keep the station running and to keep college radio alive at ISU.

“We are a station built by the students, for the students and without them we couldn’t be here,” Baker said.

Funded by the Government of the Student Body and the Inter-Residence Hall Association, the station has had to face the challenge of providing listeners with good programming on a minimal budget.

Baker said in the past two years the station has built itself up and gained many listeners in Ames and the surrounding areas.

With the wide variety of music KURE has to offer, listeners can hear anything from rock to alternative, blues, metal, punk, ska, industrial, electronica and rap.

“We’re looking to get more listeners and to get some more support for our station, and I think we should be able to do that and bring [KURE] up a notch” music director Andrew Seitz said.

Seitz has worked at the station since the fall of 1996 and took the position of music director last February.

“I love the atmosphere of college radio because it is a lot more free,” Seitz explained. “Working for a commercial station, you have to worry about pleasing advertisers. But we don’t have to.”

Seitz added that KURE has changed in the past few years and become a lot more diverse. “I think we’re a bit more organized now. There’s more variety in what people play. A lot of people have brought more diversity to the station,” he said.

In addition to the usual mix of music, KURE will also be working this year to provide programming for sports fans. Live broadcasts of ISU sporting events will be a feature this year along with live public remotes around the area in hopes of spreading the word about KURE and promoting student involvement.

Baker added that there will be various station-sponsored events throughout the year, and he urges students to keep their eyes open.

He also hopes to get all the time slots filled so the station can keep programming on 24 hours a day.

“It’s easy to get involved, and all you need is a little bit of time and responsibility,” Baker said. “Support campus radio anyway you can, and make sure to tune into 88.5 KURE.”

Students interested in volunteering for KURE are encouraged to stop by the station’s office at 1199 Friley hall or call 294-4332. The request line is 294-9292.