‘Baywatch’ comes to Ames

Catherine Conover

Ames just might be confused for Hollywood this weekend as multiple stars step off planes on their way to the wedding of former “Baywatch” actress Traci Bingham and Rob Vallier, songwriter and musician.

Bingham, 28, and Vallier, 28, are getting married Saturday, at First United Methodist Church, 516 Kellogg Ave. Vallier said he and Bingham are expecting more than 350 guests at their wedding.

Vallier, who grew up in Ames, described the scene at his parents’ home Thursday night as “an absolute nightmare,” but said it should all be worth the effort.

“[The wedding] is going to be fantastic,” Vallier said. He said there will be a string quartet and an opera singer, as well as four other bands at the reception.

In addition, part of the chaos revolved around two cooks from Yugoslavia who were asking for an open flame.

Vallier said about half of the 350 expected guests are traveling to Ames from either Boston or Los Angeles, and transportation from the airport could be sticky.

“We’re picking [guests] up at the airport, but I know three people who haven’t called yet that I know are coming in tomorrow,” Vallier said.

“It’s pretty overwhelming, but by Saturday, I’m sure everything will be taken care of,” he said.

He said he has been able to delegate much of the work to friends and family.

Vallier said he and Bingham met in Boston at a music awards program, where Bingham offered to buy Vallier a drink.

“The next day she called … and I didn’t remember her!” Vallier said. “But I figured it couldn’t hurt [to see her again]. She rang the doorbell in jeans and a T-shirt, and I looked out the peephole and said ‘Oh my gosh!'”

Vallier said he and Bingham have been together for six years, and they have managed to keep busy in California.

“I have my own band in L.A.,” he said. “I also work on a lot of film scores.”

According to a press release from Youth and Shelter Services, Vallier “honed his musical talents and built his knowledge of electronic arts” at YSS’s Media Arts Workshop in Ames during the mid-1980s.

Vallier said he just finished working on a movie with Willie Nelson in Austin. He said Nelson is a “very interesting” person.

“You can feel [Nelson’s] presence when he’s in the room,” Vallier said. “Everyone just sits there and stares at him, but he just stares back.”

Vallier said Bingham recently finished filming “Foolish,” starring Halle Berry and Andrew Dice Clay.

Bingham also is staying busy with new career opportunities.

“She’s up for two sitcoms, and she has a new commercial for Sprite … and a new clothing line,” Vallier said.

He said some people cannot understand why Bingham took the “Baywatch” job, but he said it was that or starve at the time. He said it was a great “career booster” for her, but she has moved on.

“We’re still good friends with them — half the cast is in the wedding,” Vallier said.

Jane and Fred Vallier, Rob’s parents, are both professors at Iowa State in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. They have lived in Ames for almost 35 years.