Residence hall heroes

Aaron J. Schmidt

With the hectic nature of the first week of classes, it is nice to see people taking time out of their busy schedules to help others. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize a few such people.

I am the resident assistant for Cunningham House in Larch Hall, and I had some concerns over move-in day. Luckily for me and the other residents of my house, I have a number of gentlemen on my floor who acted as good Samaritans.

Our floor president, Nathan Brockman organized a group to help everyone on the floor move in. Nathan and a bunch of other guys from the floor helped greet new residents, set up lofts, get things out of storage, and do anything else that was needed. It was a great way to greet our floor’s residents.

So a very special thanks from myself and the rest of the floor goes out to Neil Voss, Tom Scanlan, Darin DesMarais, Nathan Ohrt, Pete Roberts, Pat Hobart, and Marc Nicolas. I also want to thank Matt Lindley for arranging for our hall to have shopping carts from K-Mart to help with move-in. Chris Rogers staffed the table where the carts could be checked out, as well.

They help make this residence hall a wonderful community in which to live. Iowa State should know how much these men are appreciated.

Aaron J. Schmidt


Computer engineering