Deal with this: Chad Calek is evil

Sarah Murray

I am writing in response to Chad Calek’s column, “Deal with this: the Lilith Fair is evil.”

Mr. Calek’s column was filled with derogatory statements and discrepancies. Mr. Calek calls music by Janis Joplin, Liz Phair and Paula Cole “pussy music.” I find this rather offensive.

I do not call music by males “dick music.” I don’t particularly care for Phair or Cole’s music, but I see no reason to demean them.

Mr. Calek also claims that it is not his job to help someone who can’t distinguish between a “good tune and what is anti-male, lesbian trash.” He states that “these male-hating freaks got together for the Lilith Fair.”

Correct me if I am wrong, but many Lilith Fair participants are married to men. Tori Amos has an all- male band.

The Indigo Girls may be lesbians, but none of their music expresses a hate for men.

There have always been female musicians — so what if they get together for a tour? Obviously he has a problem seeing women as objects.

Lastly, he calls for female musicians to quit “leaning on the crutch of sexism.”

Mr. Calek, there is no crutch. Slowly but surely, women are overcoming sexism. The process is full of many heavy obstacles just like Chad Calek.

The Lilith fair is a celebration of women’s music, not man-hating music. It is a tour of musicians doing what they do best — performing.

Sarah Murray


Political science