Gore is next

Editorial Board

Well, just as things start to look a little rosier for Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party, Janet Reno heats up the investigation.

This may or may not lead to an independent counsel investigation of Vice President Al Gore’s nefarious fund-raising activities in the White House.

Were the contributions he raised hard or soft money?

Were they for the Democratic Party in general?

Or were they for the Clinton/Gore campaign specifically?

Let the battle over semantics begin!

This time the clue that has set the hounds to howling is a single memo.

Sent from Vice President Gore’s former aide, David Strauss, the memo “appears to contradict” accounts made formerly regarding calls made from the White House for the purpose of fund-raising.

Maybe the American people need to see Al Gore investigated and hounded into fibbing about something intensely personal, too.

What could Al Gore possibly have done which could compare to the Monica Lewinsky horror show we have all been subjected to for so long?

Maybe we cannot be truly happy until every single politician who walks the earth has no private life at all.

Politics have always been unclean, but lately it seems like even the dirty, street-fighter rules have been thrown out in favor of a kind of televised anarchy.

The depths to which our leaders would sink used to be measurable.

Today we seem to be wading through an incomprehensible, moral morass with no hope of reprieve.

There could not possibly be a stiffer politician than Al Gore.

If he were guilty of anything seriously offensive to normal citizens, it would have come out long ago.

To say that enough is enough would be to undermine the farcical nature of these proceedings.

Republicans are so inconceivably desperate to scuttle the 2000 elections that they will say and do anything.

Right now, they more closely resemble the final scene from “Titanic” than a legitimate political party.

In the end, it will not simply be the American public who will suffer.

By losing face while attacking a popular president and making themselves look ridiculous in the process, the Republicans may never regain public respect.