What is your favorite piece of art on campus?

Ian Mcinroy and Olivia Ogren

What is your favorite piece of art on campus?

Ian McInroy/Iowa State Daily

(top left) An etching by artist Eichenberg that hangs on the second floor in the Memorial Union is Art and Design Associate Professor Alan Mickelson’s favorite piece on campus.

Ian McInroy/Iowa State Daily

(top right) Katherine Gibbs, Associate Professor of Art and Design, likes the horse sculpture in Parks Library because of its “nobility, presence and strength of the form and the unusualness of the color of the clay.”

Olivia Ogren/Iowa State Daily

(bottom left) The Fountain of the Four Seasons, located in the rear of the Memorial Union is a favorite of Marilyn Vaughn of University Museums.

Olivia Ogren/Iowa State Daily

(bottom right) Stephanie Zambach, a senior in agricultural studies likes the fallen angel statue because of “the symbolism of tragedy in the human race.”