Tortured Christian

Tim Borseth

As a conservative, Bible believing Christian, I felt tortured after reading the Opinion page in Thursday’s Daily (7/23/98).

I can’t remember reading a more hateful, accusatory and out-right intolerant series of articles in this newspaper toward those who believe and live according to the Bible.

Mr. Godwin, Ms. Hupp, and Mr. Burgess all thumped their truth source (the American Psychiatric Association), as they ridiculed the deep felt convictions of Christians regarding homosexuality.

Whether it be by questioning the motives and intelligence of Christians through advertising methods, political initiatives, or therapy groups, all three of these people appeared to feel vindicated and qualified to attack Bible believers in a way that the homosexual community itself would have never tolerated had it been directed toward them.

Without a doubt, the most spiteful article was written by the editor in chief of the Daily, Staci Hupp.

I would appreciate knowing on what basis she claims Bible-based therapy groups, such as Exodus International, “feed upon gays’ denial” or “promote a hate-filled concept” or that “no proportion of prayer can change a person.”

Such comments are judgmental and unsupportable.

In fact, since I’ve attended Exodus meetings and personally know former homosexuals and lesbians, I consider such comments as libelous.

Contrary to the American Psychiatric Association, the Bible’s stand on homosexuality has never changed.

From cover to cover the message has been the same: Homosexuality is a deviation from God’s plan for sex and God’s best for our lives.

It will eventually rip you apart and lead to eternal death if you don’t turn away from it.

Hope can be found by embracing the One who can sympathize, accept, change and save you from yourself. And that, of course, is not religion; that’s a relationship with Jesus Christ.

That may be beyond logic, as Mr. Godwin maintained, but it’s not beyond your reach.

Tim Borseth
