There’s something about that column

Shane Hague

It must be summer in Ames. After reading Narayan Devanathan’s July 23rd opinion column, “There’s something about aMARYca,” I concluded that there must indeed be something else on HIS mind, besides writing for the Daily.

Mr. Devanathan describes a recent “conversation” that he had with a “friend” which gave him his brilliant insight into the minds of aMARYcan males.

In reality, this “friend’s” insight was little more than a copied excerpt from a wide-spread e-mail message that has crossed my computer desktop at work and school on numerous occasions.

While it still invokes a chuckle from me (I have to admit), I really don’t think it was a genuine conversation, now was it?

Shame, shame, sir.

If there is one thing Mr. Devanathan HAS learned about aMARYca, it must be that laziness and piracy are acceptable in the field of journalism.

And being a grad student, Mr. Devanathan has had years to hone these skills.

You’ve got to love the Daily.

Shane Hague
