Tired of the garbage

Ev Cherrington

I am a heterosexual as the Lord created each man, woman and child in His image first; secondly as heterosexuals — Genesis 1:27, 2:24.

I am tired of the garbage the Daily staff has been printing about LGBTs (lesbians, gays, transgenders, bisexuals).

If they don’t come up with enough material then they borrow from other campus newspapers (refer to the Daily, July 23, pages 4 and 5).

You try to paint anyone opposing gays as being hateful, bigoted homo-something.

That’s absurd. When I wrote a letter to the editor last November questioning the gay lifestyle because so many gays (seven to one) were committing suicide in comparison to heterosexuals, I was immediately attacked in the paper for six or seven straight issues. One person labeled me a bigot. A member of the LGBT community who worked for me on campus at that time said to me, “I know that’s not true, Ev, you’re not a bigoted person.” I’ve never been one to put labels on, attack or condemn as such. My mission has always been to show love to misguided, deceived, lustful pride.

Look at some facts:

1. Gays live an average of 41 years; 38 or 39 if they contract AIDS.

2. Some of the gay marches are an affront to decency with lewd acts on display.

3. The gay bathhouses in San Francisco had to be closed because of the dastardly acts of perversion performed therein.

4. The lifestyle is contrary to human nature — Check out Romans, chapter one.

In conclusion — love confronts — I’m willing to meet with any Daily staff members of the gay community to discuss these issues in an open, honest and caring concern.

Ev Cherrington
