Custer named marketing head

Catherine Conover

Carole Custer, associate director of university relations/marketing, was named director of university marketing this week.

During her 10 years at Iowa State, Custer has led marketing research projects and helped develop the positioning campaigns “It Works” and “Becoming the Best.”

“We do several types of research to help us get a better handle on public perception of Iowa State,” Custer said. She said her office tries to ensure that various methods of communication, including admissions materials, are expressing the right messages about the university.

Murray Blackwelder, vice president of external affairs, said marketing is a vital part of ISU’s quest to become the best land-grant university in the country.

“Perception is everything these days,” Blackwelder said. “The university’s image is portrayed in publications and in TV and radio spots.”

Custer said while it is too soon to tell if “Becoming the Best” has made a positive impact, “It Works” has definitely been well-received.

“When the new fountain in front of the Memorial Union was turned on this spring, one of the students who was watching shouted, ‘It works!'” Custer said. “The student then asked, ‘Isn’t that Iowa State’s slogan?'”

Custer said after hearing the student’s comment, she knew that the marketing program had left an imprint.

Blackwelder said Custer has basically held the position for two years under another title.

“I knew where I wanted to go with the marketing program, and she turned out to be exactly what I would have wanted for the position,” he said.

Blackwelder said the appointment of a director will result in increased funding for the program.

Custer said her new title also raises the importance of marketing in higher education and at ISU, in particular.

“We have been striving to help people recognize just how important marketing is for the university,” she said. “My appointment will help move this mission along.”