Quick Es

Letter to the Editor

Quick E of the Day

“Raef LaFrentz may have gone third in the draft, but he’s still a traitor because he left Iowa for Kansas.”


Exercise and sport science

“OK, I like big men as much as the next person, but where are all the guys who like full-figured, beautiful women??? I am sick of all the guys being interested in these anorexic, waif chicks who need to eat something desperately!”



“OK here it is: After careful consideration and hours of exhausting research I come to the not surprising conclusion, that is, AMES PAINS!”



“I just love Monica Lewinsky’s new do. I’ve heard that semen works well as a high-protein conditioner. We should all be so lucky to have such presidential treatment!”



“What are all of these little brats doing in the Friley Hall cafeteria? I feel like I’m attending a summer camp for junior high kids.”



“First, the parking lot. Second, the water gets shut off. Next, they can make Buchanan residents sleep outside. When will all the inconveniences end?”

Graduate student

Industrial engineering

“I like the idea of turning Catt Hall into a whorehouse. But there aren’t enough good-looking women in Ames to work there. We’ll have to recruit from other schools.”


Civil engineering

“What Campustown needs is a good juice bar that plays some really good techno.”



E-mail one-sentence Quick Es to [email protected]. edu with “Quick E” as the subject. Include year in school and major. All Quick Es will be anonymous.