Quick Es

Daily Staff Writer

Quick E of the Day

“Who is that chick who thinks she’s Tommy Girl? She needs to get a life.”


Hotel, restaurant and institution management

“Why is it that the only women on campus that are even worth looking at are the ones here for orientation?”


Computer engineering

“Will canoeing on Lake Laverne be limited to the women, since all the guys are too fat to be in the canoe and have it stay afloat?”


Computer engineering

“I thought the Quick E’s were supposed to be about what was going on around the campus. Lately it sounds more like a bad version of an MTV’s Singled Out.”


Pre-computer engineering

“What exactly is going on North of Catt Hall?”



“Why is it the University is spending all that money on building a new post office and new hall director offices in Helser when they just plan to tear it down in a few years anyway?”


Management information systems

“Grad students shouldn’t be allowed to teach undergrad classes. They should have to take a teaching class first.”


Management information systems

E-mail one-sentence Quick Es to [email protected]. edu with “Quick E” as the subject. Include year in school and major. All Quick Es will be anonymous.