Senator Lott’s position on sin

Alan L. Light

Regarding the comments Trent Lott made recently said on a television show that homosexuality is a sin: There are a lot of things that the Bible says are sins.

For instance, adultery is a sin. It made it into the Ten Commandments; homosexuality didn’t. Yet a year ago, Senator Lott came to the defense of Kelly Flynn, who was being criminally tried in the Air Force for adultery.

Here’s what Lott said at the time: “I’ll tell you, the Pentagon is not in touch with reality on this so-called question of fraternization. I mean, get real. You’re still dealing with human beings. I think it’s unfair. I don’t understand why she’s being singled out and punished. I think she ought to get an honorable discharge.”

Senator Lott’s position on sin seems to have shifted some in a year’s time.

So, the question is not what politicians think is a sin; it is how some are politically motivated to try to score points by attacking some sinners rather than others.

Also, when you compare people who have done no harm to anyone (decent, law-abiding people as a majority of gay and lesbians are) to kleptomaniacs (people who steal things), I think that’s very unfair.

Alan L. Light

Iowa City, Iowa