Alumni Association entices students with T-shirts, deals

Ellyn Peterson

The Iowa State Alumni Association received a top national award for its student membership program.

The Seal of Excellence Award is the highest award given to alumni relations programs by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).

Karen Tow, assistant director of the Alumni Association, said the purpose of the student program, called the Collegiate Alumni Association, is to promote loyalty and pride in ISU before students graduate.

“It increases awareness about what the Alumni Association is and introduces them to benefits while they are still students, so when they graduate, they will more likely continue to be members,” Tow said.

ISU’s Alumni Association will be recognized at the CASE National Assembly in Chicago, July 12-14, and on the CASE Web site at Nine other universities will also be recognized, including the University of Harvard, UCLA and the University of Notre Dame.

“It’s a prestigious honor to have other schools know that you have one of the top programs in the nation,” said Julie Larson, director of student and career programs.

“I think the program stands out because in the numbers that we have, our group is very diversified. Students represent all colleges and all living areas,” Larson said.

Of the 2,583 student members in the Alumni Association, 39 percent live off campus, 46 percent live in residence halls and 15 percent are from the greek system.

“International students are also represented, and there is a good mix of class ranks and colleges,” Larson said.

The ISU student membership program, directed by Larson, grew 228 percent from 1996-97 to 1997-98.

Larson said she credits the program’s success to a high retention rate from their first year to their second year, the unique membership package and a change in marketing tactics.

“We changed the T-shirt design, which led to an increased word of mouth,” Larson said. “We also did a better job of marketing to freshman students last year.”

“Good marketing, good benefits and a lot of hard work on the part of the Student Alumni Association to promote student membership have all contributed to the program’s growing success,” Tow said.

The Student Alumni Association is composed of students serving on several committees, including a group that works to sell student memberships to the Alumni Association.

“Members are given a preview of the benefits they may look forward to receiving as Alumni Association members,” Larson said.

“[Student members] receive the ISU events calendar, Visions magazine, discounts on all ISU merchandise and discounts on insurance, hotels and the ISU credit card,” Larson said.

The Alumni Association will start marketing next year’s student program at freshman orientation on Tuesday. Applications are available for all students at the resource fair during orientation or at the Alumni Suite in the Memorial Union.