Save Geography 100

Kaisar Hossain

I’m sad to announce that I was among the last group of students who had the privilege of taking Geography 100. Honestly, it even makes ME mad. Diversity, tolerance, and respect come from learning and understanding each other.

How could we expect the ISU student community to achieve diversity, tolerance and respect when the most diverse, tolerant and respectful (Not to mention useful) course has been eliminated?

There are those who think that Geography 100 can be eliminated because it’s covered by a series of somewhat overlapping courses. The fact is that, in most cases, there’s no link or continuity between those courses.

Most students do not want to go through the trouble of taking the courses that complement their previous social sciences and humanities.

Geography allows for the full and balanced coverage of history, political science, world economics, anthropology, diversity, international perspectives and sociology, among others (all at the same time). The 1980s will be remembered as the era of economic globalization. Out of all the diversity and international perspectives courses, why does the most useful, educational and fun (geography 100) have to be eliminated?

Geography matters.

I urge every one to join me in this letter asking ISU President Martin Jischke and all of those who make the decisions, to keep Geography at ISU for us and for future generations.

Kaisar Hossain


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