Get out of Burma

Rachel Hein

The plight of the people of Burma and the involvement of American business companies is a story that has gone unnoticed for too long. In 1988, the SLOVC military regime took control of the government. The government has kidnapped citizens for use in slave labor camps that build roads and pipelines as concessions to American businesses. People are dying while working in these government camps. Any attempt at resistance has been met with imprisonment or death. The government has forbidden illegal fax or modem use in an attempt to keep the truth hidden. And we are helping them do it all.

The involvement of U.S. companies in Burma helps fund this oppression. Protests by concerned Americans has led to the withdrawal of such companies as Texaco, Eddie Bauer and Pepsi. The people of Burma have struggled against his military regime. The government continually crushes these revolts thanks to the funding of Caterpillar, Procter and Gamble, Total, Unocal/76 and Compaq computers. Until these companies withdraw from Burma, the horrors there will continue. By boycotting these companies, you will help bring the people of Burma that much closer to to Freedom.

Rachel Hein

