Respect for Widmer

Jody A. Justin

This is the second time this week I have felt the need to write a letter to the editor. The first one was because the Daily failed to show any respect to Tim Widmer, basically blaming him for getting into an accident. This letter is again written because the Daily and Carmen Cerra failed to show respect to Tim. My first question is, why the hell would the Daily staff allow such a cartoon in today’s (April 30) paper? Do you not care about the feelings of Tim’s friends and family? I have a question to Carmen Cerra: Have you ever ridden or driven a motorcycle in your life? By your crappy drawing, I don’t think you have. You don’t know what it feels like to have the wind blowing in your hair and the feel of freedom. And I don’t think you have any respect for Tim Widmer!

What happened last week was a tragedy. I just want to know why the Daily and its staff can’t show a little respect!

Jody A. Justin

