A wish list for next year

Editorial Board

It’s here. The end of yet another school year.

Some of us are leaving Iowa State for good; others will return this fall.

And a few unlucky students will begin classes again in two weeks.

Instead of looking back and rehashing the past, we’d like to look to the future and make a few suggestions.

The holiday season is still a few months away, but we came up with our own wish list for the 1998-99 school year.

We want:

— More students to voice their opinions and take a stand next year.

— The Catt Hall committee to find a constructive compromise for the Carrie Chapman Catt Hall debate.

— The Cyclone football team to have a winning year, or at least win a game or two.

— The Cyclone women’s basketball team to continue to be awesome and kick butt on the court.

— All Government of the Student Body senators to serve the students and not themselves.

— The university to create a multicultural center on campus.

— To have a school year in which we don’t lose any ISU students in tragic accidents.

— Veishea to continue, but maybe in a less totalitarian manner.

— Department of Public Safety to accidentally have a massive fire in the closet where all parking tickets are held.

— Tim Floyd to sign a 30-year contract with ISU.

— People’s Theater to open because we’ve been patient for a year-and-a-half.

— Vanilla Ice to play the grand opening. (Actually, only Corey Moss wants that.)

— The university to decide what is the future of Morrill Hall so we can stop writing stories about it.

— The Ames Tribune to stop picking on a certain campus newspaper.

— President Martin Jischke to put on cut-offs and a Southpark T-shirt and hold a big barbecue to welcome us back in August.

OK, it’s kind of a lot to ask for, but we thought we might as well think big.

Good luck in whatever you do, and thanks for reading the Daily.

That’s all.