Phelps’ visit to ISU

Jeni Nosbisch

I read in The Des Moines Register that Reverend Fred Phelps is coming to Ames on May 9. He is coming because, in his opinion, we are too accepting of homosexuality here. We have already heard from Bill Horn on the ISU campus on April 22 that we should question homosexuality.

These and other people agree that homosexuals are damned. They think that homosexuals want special rights. They declare that the Bible speaks against homosexuality. Further, they state that anyone who accepts or supports homosexuality is also damned to hell.

Homosexual organizations say homosexuals are born with these tendencies. They say they have studies that prove this assertion.

Perhaps the conservatives are right in stating that homosexuality is a choice, one that leads to damnation. Perhaps the homosexual organizations are right — that they were born that way. I don’t know which is correct.

I do know that not all accept the Christian faith, as I have, and those I do not hold to its standards. I also know that my Bible says that God created everything, and that all humans are created in His Image. The Bible also says that there will come a Time of Judgment, when God will decide who is condemned and who is saved.

What this all means to me is this: God created everyone, and whether He made them homosexual or they have chosen this path, all humans have the same rights. I also do not have the right to determine salvation and redemption; I only have the right to determine if I want to associate with someone. But even those I don’t care for have the same rights as those for whom I do.

Phelps said that he would picket any institution in Ames that disagreed with him. This means he will have people outside several places of worship during graduation weekend. I would encourage everyone who enters into these places to simply ignore any picketers. Don’t look at the signs, and don’t pay any heed to what is said. Just walk past and ignore him. Only this can communicate to him how wrong his zealous persecution is.

Militancy and persecution do not encourage people to change their minds. He cannot change homosexuals through this style of campaigning, and we cannot change him by his tactics.

Jeni Nosbisch

