Wear a helmet

Eric Frana

Most people know by now that Iowa State University, the City of Ames and Iowa City had a tragedy; we lost a human life due to a motorcycle accident. I have the deepest sympathy for the family and friends who knew Tim.

First of all, I would like to thank you for your coverage on this accident. The person who thought it was rude to print the story on the first page was rude! I heard of the accident on Friday but didn’t know exactly what happened. You filled the gaps.

The next thing I would like to state is my opinion on Mark Blaedel’s [letter] in Wednesday’s paper. He is right; helmets can and do save lives. But I don’t agree with him about the method to make us wear them. I’m not arguing the fact of safety. I’m arguing our freedom! Let’s face it; this country is based on personal choices. Another law will bring us closer to communism! We, as society, don’t want anyone to tell us what to do.

Every time a motorcycle rider gets on his bike without a helmet, he or she is only endangering his/her own life! Tim made the choice to ride without a helmet. According to Tuesday’s Daily, Tim was allegedly going around 45 to 50 miles per-hour on his bike. The last time I looked, the speed limit on residential streets is 25 miles per-hour. This proves two things. First, Tim made the choice to go twice the legal speed limit. And second, laws do exist and we still make the choice to break them.

As far as I’m concerned, the case should be closed. The driver of the car stopped and waited for a second. He proceeded to make his turn, and out of nowhere comes a motorcycle speeding and hits him. Where is the question?

The only thing a helmet law should be used for is minors. They’re the ones who need the extra safety. We hope by the time we are 18, we can make logical choices for ourselves.

A helmet law does nothing but invade our personal choice. I chose to wear one when I ride; so should you! If you don’t — it’s only your fault should you get injured, or worse, killed!

Eric Frana


Pre-electrical engineering